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"In The Heart of the River Valley, Steps to Downtown"
Riverdale is one of Edmonton’s most picturesque communities. It is a diverse river valley neighbourhood located just east of Edmonton’s downtown center. The community is bordered by the North Saskatchewan River and surrounded by the cliffs of the river valley. Because of this location Riverdale remains distinct and retains its identity as a separate and unified community. Riverdale has been able to maintain much of its original charm and small town feel; where community pride and spirit run strong.
- Riverdale Community League
Riverdale Housing Co-op Arts & Businesses
Going As A River Sangha (Meditation Group)
Rhea March - It Takes a Village CJSR
Thom as Fred - Roots and Acoustic Music
Scott Cook - Folk and Acoustic Music
Riverdale Neighbourhood Contacts
Little Brick Cafe & General Store
River Valley Co. AirBnb Suites
Edmonton River Valley Conservation Coalition
Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues
Co-op Housing Contacts
Cameron Avenue Co-Housing Co-operative
Northern Alberta Co-operative Housing Association
Co-operative Housing Federation (CHF) of Canada
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